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Things to Consider Before Getting Remarried to Your Ex-Spouse
It is not uncommon that following a divorce, newly single spouses seek companionship again. After experiencing the intimacy and partnership of marriage, individuals are equipped with a deeper understanding of themselves and their interests, morals, and overall life goals. Having experienced the benefits of a close relationship, marriage becomes an option once more for many divorcees.
It may be interesting to discover that many previously married couples find that love again with each other, even after they have gone through contentious courtroom divorce battles. However, it is best to proceed with caution when considering remarriage to a former spouse, as post-decree concerns may put a damper on a future wedding.
The Grass Was Not Greener
While there are no official statistics indicating how many divorced couples later decide to remarry each other, the topic is becoming more commonly discussed than in previous decades. Social media has made it easier for people to stay in communication with each other, even if a significant amount of time has elapsed since their divorce.
Financial Planning for a Divorce – Taking the First Steps
Divorce can be a complex and arduous process since there are numerous potential pitfalls and challenges – and money is often the greatest concern. However, many parties overlook important financial planning details when they first file for divorce. The result of this oversight can range in severity from a minor loss of some funds to complete financial devastation. Learn how to mitigate against the potential money issues in your Illinois divorce with effective financial planning, and discover how an experienced divorce lawyer is able to help.
Start Your Post-Divorce Budget Now
It may seem a bit premature to be planning your post-divorce budget at the time the case is filed, but having a clear idea of how much money you may bring in (and what you expect to spend) as you work through the divorce process can save you a great deal of time, money, and stress in the future. Consider also how you plan to spend any post-divorce settlement. Will you sell the marital house and move into a smaller place to give yourself more financial breathing room, month to month? Who will pay for the kids’ college expenses? Also, do not forget to save for personal goals, such as vacations or a new vehicle.
Establishing Paternity in Illinois
In a marriage, the paternity of a child is automatically established. But this is not the case when the biological parents are unmarried. In that situation, the father is deemed an “alleged father” until he and the mother either acknowledge paternity, or receive a confirmation of paternity, either through the courts or through the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (DHFS). Learn more about establishing paternity in Illinois, including how it can be done and why you should do it, and discover why the assistance of an experienced family law attorney should be obtained.
Why Establish Paternity?
At first glance, the purpose of establishing paternity may seem to be about money, because a father may be obligated to pay child support if he and the biological mother are not residing together. However, fathers can also reap benefits if they pursue an establishment of paternity. For example, fathers can still have the right to pursue custody of their children, should the mother ever lose her parental rights or become incapacitated for any reason. Fathers can also seek parenting time and an allocation of parental responsibilities, both of which give them bonding time and decision-making power in the life of their child.
Protecting Your Child from the Negative Effects of Divorce
It used to be said that children were resilient, and they could recover easily from divorce. We now know this is not true. Recent studies suggest that children may experience a host of problems during and after a divorce, including everything from emotional, behavioral, and mental health problems, to maladjustment and developmental issues. Thankfully, parents can mitigate against such problems. The following information explains how.
Strive for a Child-Centered Divorce
It might not have felt this way, but your child has always been separate from your marriage. Yes, you and your spouse may have conceived and parented together, but the relationship that each of you has with your child is individual, special, and unique. Though the marriage is ending, the bond between the child and each parent remains. Parents who remember this and strive to protect not just their own relationship with the child, but also the child’s relationship with the other parent, often see fewer negative issues arise with their children during and after the divorce process. So, watch what you say around your child, and avoid oversharing details about the divorce, and you may successfully protect your child’s need for unconditional love, time, and attention from both parents.
Children, Narcissism, and Parental Alienation – How to Combat This Perfect Divorce Storm
Divorcing a spouse that is on the narcissism spectrum is not an easy task. The situation can become even more challenging if there are children involved. Already vulnerable to the potentially harmful effects of divorce, children could be used as pawns by the narcissist, a tool that can be used against the other parent.
This kind of activity, known as parental alienation, can have a lifelong negative impact on every relationship that the child will ever have – and that includes the relationship they have with you. Learn how to reduce the risk of this occurring in your divorce, and discover how an experienced divorce attorney can help.
Narcissism and Parental Alienation
Parental alienation and narcissism do not always occur together, but the risk of that happening is certainly higher when your spouse is a narcissist. Part of this problem could be due to the way that family courts handle parental alienation allegations, but the biggest and, perhaps, most influential factor is the narcissist’s disorder. Most are charmers, meaning they can win over almost anyone.
Protecting Your Child from the Negative Effects of Divorce
It used to be said that children were resilient, and they could recover easily from divorce. We now know this is not true. Recent studies suggest that children may experience a host of problems both during and after divorce, from emotional, behavioral and mental health problems, to maladjustment and developmental issues. Thankfully, parents can mitigate against such problems. The following information explains how.
Strive for a Child-Centered Divorce
It might not have felt this way, but your child has always been separate from your marriage. Yes, you and your spouse may have conceived and parented together, but the relationship that each of you has with your child is individual, special, and unique. Though the marriage is ending, the bond between the child and each parent will remain. Parents who remember this and strive to protect not just their own relationship with the child, but also the child’s relationship with the other parent, often see fewer negative issues in their children during and after the divorce process. So, put away the team shirt, watch what you say around your child, and avoid oversharing details about the divorce and you may successfully protect your child’s need for unconditional love, time, and attention from both of their parents.
Establishing Paternity in Illinois
In a marriage, the paternity of a child is automatically established. However, this is not the case when the biological parents are unmarried. Instead, the father is deemed an “alleged father” until he and the mother either acknowledge paternity or receive confirmation of paternity through the courts or Illinois’ Department of Healthcare and Family Services (DHFS). Learn more about establishing paternity in Illinois, including how it can be done and why you should get it done, and see why the assistance of an experienced family law attorney should be obtained.
Why Establish Paternity?
At first glance, the purpose of establishing paternity may seem to be about money. After all, a father may be obligated to pay child support if he and the biological mother are not residing together. However, fathers can also reap several benefits if they pursue establishing paternity legally. For example, fathers can still have the right to pursue custody of their child, should the mother ever lose her rights or become incapacitated for any reason. Fathers can also seek parenting time and allocation of parental responsibilities, which gives them bonding time and decision-making power in the life of their child.
Creative Parenting Plan Solutions for Your Illinois Divorce
When parents file for divorce, they are required to complete a parenting plan document which outlines their wishes on parenting time and the allocation of parental responsibilities. Of course, since every family is unique, each parenting plan is (and should be) different. However, these variances in needs, desires, and circumstances can make what sounds like a straightforward process rather complicated. Learn how to make the most of your parenting plan by adopting some creative parenting plan solutions that may address your family’s unique needs.
Consider Your Child’s Age
Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes that parents make when designing their parenting plan is not taking their child’s age, activities, or personality into account – yet these factors can greatly influence their specific needs. For example, it might make sense for an infant who has spent most of their life with a stay-at-home parent to have more parenting time with that parent. However, child mental health professionals typically recommend more frequent transitions for young children, as they need a great deal of time with both parents to ensure proper bonding. Depending on your situation, a two day stay with one parent, & then a two day stay with the other parent, and then three days back with the first parent may be the appropriate schedule until the child is a bit older. At that point, the family may want to consider going to a 2-2-5 parenting arrangement, instead.
Waiting for Divorce Until the Kids Grow Up – Are You Doing More Harm Than Good?
When your marriage is failing, and you know divorce is the next step, you may stop to consider how your children will respond. If you determine that they simply cannot handle growing up in a broken home – perhaps because of a disability, a sensitive demeanor, or a rough upbringing – you may be tempted to put off the inevitable. Are you really doing your children a favor though, or are you doing more harm than good? The answer may rest in the underlying issues of your marriage. Learn more with help from the following information.
Domestic Violence and Children
If there is any marriage in which divorce should not be delayed, it is one in which domestic violence is present. Violence of any sort can have a negative impact on the growth and development of a child, and it may also increase the child’s risk for several mental health conditions, such as depression, aggression, and anxiety. Furthermore, children may ultimately be at risk for violence themselves, even if they are not currently the target. If you are a victim of violence, do not wait. Get help immediately. Seek out services tailored especially for victims and contact an experienced family law attorney for assistance with your divorce.
Understanding the Risks of a Pro Se Divorce
Do-it-yourself divorce, also known as pro se divorce, has become increasingly common over the last several years. In fact, there are now agencies that help divorcing couples complete their paperwork, which the couple must then file themselves. Many pursue this option because they think it will save them time and/or money. Others feel they can manage an amicable divorce better on their own than with an attorney. Unfortunately, both of these approaches often lead to problems.
Why Even Amicable Divorces Need an Attorney
It happens all too often: a couple starts out on their divorce journey amicably enough, but then a sensitive matter comes up. Sparks fly, and the arguments begin. Sometimes, the matter becomes so contentious, it delays the divorce. Other times, couples are so locked in their negotiations, they have no alternative but to hire an attorney – and by that time, things may be a complete mess, and could take more time and money to sort out than necessary. Contention and a loss of time and money are not the only risks that couples face in a DIY divorce, however. In fact, some situations may place the lives of one party, and possibly even children, at risk for significant financial loss, violence, mental health issues, trauma, and more.