Oak Park, IL Child Support Attorney

Experienced Child Support Lawyer in Maywood, Forest Park, and Throughout the Area
During a divorce, one of the most important issues that needs to be worked out is child support. Under Illinois law, a supporting parent is obligated to provide for the "reasonable and necessary" needs of the child. This obligation extends to children 18 years of age or younger, and children 19 years of age or younger who are still in high school. If you are going through a divorce, it is important to have a skilled family law attorney by your side to ensure your rights and the best interests of your child(ren) are protected.
For over 30 years, the Law Office of Vincent C. Machroli, P.C. has successfully handled divorce and family law cases for clients in Cook County, DuPage County, and communities throughout the Chicago metro area. We have an in-depth understanding of all matters related to divorce, including sometimes contentious issues such as child support. We are responsive, detail-oriented, and focused on achieving the most favorable outcome for our clients. We also deliver friendly and highly-personalized customer service, and we keep our clients continually updated on the progress of their case.
Illinois Child Support Guidelines
As of July 1, 2017, the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act has been amended to adopt a new, "income shares" model for calculating child support. Previously, support payments were determined based on a set formula and minimum percentages which the supporting parent was responsible for paying. Under the new model, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services will provide economic tables to the courts to be used as a guideline in determining how much money should be allocated for the care of the child(ren).
The child support calculation will be based on several factors, including:
- The combined income of the parents;
- The number of children being supported; and
- Cost of living charts.
The goal is to achieve the same (or similar) standard of living as a child of a similarly situated couple which is living together.
In cases in which parental responsibilities are significantly shared, meaning each parent has the child for a minimum of 146 overnights during the year, the amount of time each parent spends with the child will be factored into the overall child support calculation. In general, the more time spent with the child, the lower the support obligation will be.
Also, there are times when circumstances may change after the divorce decree is finalized which may necessitate a modification of the child support arrangement. Post-decree matters can be brought before the court for consideration, and if the judge is convinced that your petition has merit, a modification may be granted.
Contact Our Oak Park Child Support Lawyer
Ensuring that you have a fair and reasonable child support arrangement is among the central issues during a divorce. At the Law Office of Vincent C. Machroli, P.C., we work tirelessly on your behalf to secure an arrangement that supports your best interests, and the best interests of your children as well. For a free consultation with our skilled attorney, contact our office today at 708-449-7404.