Law Office of Vincent C. Machroli, P.C.
High Point Plaza, 4415 West Harrison Street, Suite 213, Hillside, IL 60162
High Point Plaza, 4415 West Harrison Street, Suite 213
Hillside, IL 60162



Signs of a Successful Marriage

 Posted on August 24,2018 in Divorce

Hillside family law attorneyEven the healthiest and most stable marriages have times of doubt. Feelings of stress and uncertainty arising out of an argument, for example, can lead to one party or both parties questioning if the marriage is one that will last. However, no couple agrees on every minute detail of everything, undoubtedly each of you will go to bed angry at least once, and you will not always do everything together. In many cases, those “tried-and-true” adages your friends and family tell you on your wedding day are unrealistic and can leave you questioning the success of your marriage after any unresolved argument. However, before you consider divorce, review these proven signs of a successful and thriving marriage:

You Have Fun Together

Not every marriage will be the ideal, picture perfect, Hollywood-ready love story one of you or both of you might have expected when you walked down the aisle. The romance and glamor which may have been associated with the dating, engagement, and honeymoon phases of your relationship will eventually fade. However, the relationships of couples who make it a point to spend time together and who enjoy each other’s company frequently last longer than many other relationships.

You Are Trustworthy

Do you hide online purchases from your spouse? What about keeping secrets from your spouse? Even seemingly insignificant bits of withheld information could wreak havoc on a healthy marriage. If you and your spouse have open lines of communication with no secrets, you are much more likely to have a healthy marriage.

You Have Physical Contact

If you cannot stand the sight of your significant other, let alone put a hand on their leg or their shoulder to let them know you are there for them, your relationship may have significant problems. Couples in healthy marital relationships usually have physical contact throughout the day. Hand-holding and embraces break down emotional and mental barriers, allowing for true intimacy in the relationship. If you and your spouse regularly touch each other throughout the day, you are likely to have a strong bond.

You Release Grudges

If you and your spouse argue frequently, as a result you both will be more likely to understand what the other person is thinking and feeling without any resentment towards each other. Reasonable arguing is healthy and enables couples to work through their problems. However, a spouse who only responds with “fine” and shuts down the communication channels can cause resentment to build, because issues often remain unresolved. Bitterness is one of the most vicious marriage destroyers.

Call an Experienced Hillside Family Law Attorney

If you are debating whether divorce is an option for you, consider discussing your situation with an experienced Oak Park divorce attorney. Sometimes, just having an outside third party listen to your concerns is all you need to determine if divorce is or is not the right decision for you. Attorney Vincent C. Machroli has been assisting families for more than 30 years, and he can help you identify the best solution for your situation. Call us today at 708-449-7400 to schedule your free initial consultation.


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